
June 24, 2012

I Scream, U Scream

So I have been puttin my new kitchen to good use this week, as it is the 10 year anniversary of homemade ice cream cakes for the hubby's birthday.  I combine all of his favorite treats - ice cream, oreos, Reeces, and cake - for a dessert that is in no way healthy, or even "lite," but quite delicious and I always say, "everything in moderation." So save up for a moment of indulgence and treat yourself to this little delicacy (but do it when you're feeding a crowd, because this recipe makes 2 cakes)!  Keep in mind, you could alter this to any number of flavor combos, but of course, I'm gonna give you the recipe for this little taste of chocolate-flavored heaven.

What you'll need:

Chocolate Cake Mix (eggs, butter, and water)
2 tubs of vanilla frosting
1 gallon cookies-n-cream ice cream
1 bag Reese's cups
1 pkg Oreos (or reasonable facsimile - I look for any reason to use that phrase)

Make and bake your cake according to package directions for 2 8-inch pans.  If you have 9-inch pans, it's time to throw them away because if you haven't already noticed, cake mixes have been reduced from 18-20 oz down to a measly 16 oz.  9-inch pans will, however, make a lovely pancake.

When they cool, wrap them in plastic wrap, and place in plastic bags (I use grocery bags - reduce, reuse, recycle - ha!) Put them in the freezer - this will make your life MUCH easier later!

Then, take the same (clean) 8-inch pans, line with plastic wrap, and fill with ice cream.

Wrap them up tight, and place into the freezer as well.

I usually do the above steps a day ahead, but if you're crunched for time, 2 hours should be long enough for both the cake and ice cream to fully set. Having the ingredients pre-frozen will help tremendously in your efforts to not have melted ice cream cake all over your kitchen, but you will need still need to work quickly for the next steps!

First, chop about a dozen Reeces cups and crush about 1 sleeve of oreos.

Then, get 1 cake and 1 pan of ice cream out of the freezer.  Place the cake on a plate, and top with chopped Reece's cups. 

Then unwrap the ice cream and place it on top of the cake. 

Quickly spread icing over the entire cake, then press oreos against the sides.  When the sides are covered, sprinkle the rest over the top.

When your cake is assmbled, get those plastic grocery bags back out and wrap it up to stick back in the freezer asap!  I usually triple bag mine (but, 1 bag tightly wrapped at a time, not all 3 at once), just to be extra sure there is no chance of freezer burn.

Now start the whole process over with the other cake.  I'm sure you could make this in half as many steps with a sheet pan, by baking the cake, freezing it in the pan, sprinkling with reeces, spreading ice cream over the frozen cake, freezing it again, then icing and topping it, and it would takes equally as delicious and use half as much icing- but I'm type A, and traditional, and my momma always made layer cakes, so I always make layer cakes, and besides that I just think they're prettier.

Now, really, tell me you don't wanna eat that!?  Enjoy!  And PLEASE tell me about your crazy combinations and creations!

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