
November 28, 2012

Roast Beef Rolls

So if you've been wondering what you're going to take to that up-coming Christmas potluck, wonder no more! I make this recipe for nearly every potluck, and no matter how many I bring, they are always one of the first things to go.  They are even easier than their ham-and-cheese counterpart that you're probably familiar with - only 6 ingredients! And even more delicious :o) I also always make these to serve with my Loaded Potato Soup (recipe to come). Promise you'll love 'em!

What you'll need:

1 pan of Parker House style rolls
4 slices of provolone cheese
1/4 lb roast beef
1 tsp dijon mustard
poppy seeds

Allow the rolls to thaw, at least enough that you can easily cut the entire pan of them in half.  (Pay attention to how you take them apart because they will cut more easily into individual sandwiches if you can keep them lined up.)  Then cover the bottom half with cheese and lightly sprinkle with poppy seeds - a pinch or two. Spread the top half with dijon.  Now, it's worthwhile to mention that if your going to ere, ere on the side of using less mustard.  I really barely put any on there - just a hint really.  I don't know if it's even a teaspoon, but I certainly don't use more than that.  Also, if you don't keep dijon on hand regularly, don't run out an buy an entire jar for this little recipe.

Now layer the roast beef over the cheese.

And put the top back on the pan of rolls and spread it with butter - just to make it extra delicious.

Then bake according to package directions, which is probably something like 350 degrees for 10-15 minutes.  When they are done they will be golden brown, melty, and absolutely wonderful. Slice them up, and serve HOT!

They are seriously SO good!

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