
August 27, 2013

Southern Porches

Nothing says summer in the south more than a glass of sweet tea and a porch swing. It's one of the main reason's we love this crazy, ol' house - the multiple porches.  None of them are finished yet, but they have undoubtedly come a loooong way.  Here are just a few progress shots, so grab a glass, or better yet, a jar of sweet tea, and relax while you check out a little of the work we've done on 2 of our 3 porches.  If I have it my way, and something around here actually gets finished, I will get you some legitimate Before&After pics of all 3 before Thanksgiving (ha!). 

Front Porch - Before...


Side Porch -  Before...


And just in case you got a little too warm sitting outside on this humid, southern afternoon, come on through that gray door and sit a spell in my office/craft room.

Office - 



Thanks for visiting!  Come on back anytime!

1 comment:

Kim Kramer said...

LOVE your style SO much... it is just beautiful Amy!