
February 8, 2014

Cream and Sugar and Coffee Stains

Since Shabby Chic Vintage Loveliness is all the rage, you might find yourself wishing your linens, bedding, and maybe even clothing were a little softer, more subtle, more antiquated in color. Well, good news, brew yourself a cup of coffee - or maybe even a pot or two, or eight, and let me show you how easy it is to transform the fabrics you already own for pennies (seriously, Publix runs coffee as the Wednesday Penny Item all.the.time. Take advantage!)

About a year ago I bought this duvet cover from  

And while it is obviously a pastel pink, it leans a little more towards a lilac-pink than a dusty, rose-pink.  So, what did I do, but fill up my huge sink with coffee and throw these lovely linens in for a swim.

Then twist and pull and saturate, and try really hard not to panic - this is NOT what your finished product will look like - promise! And lets just take a minute to talk about color. You can certainly do this with tea as well, but I have found that sometimes the tea is too subtle, and sometimes slightly more orange-tinted, where coffee is more of a true-brown.  You can also dilute your tea or coffee with water to change the tone.

At this point, I drained the sink and squeezed out some of the excess liquid, then moved the big, wet, mess of a bed spread to the washing machine. I ran the shortest, gentlest setting WITHOUT detergent.  I would have opted for a rinse only cycle, but to my dismay, my lack-luster washer didn't give me that option. Then, because this is after all, just cotton, I dried it as usual.

I have used this method on napkins, tablecloths, table runners, lace, and clothing. It has always worked like a charm. If you want a darker stain, you can let your fabric air dry to set the stain, then launder.  If you want an even more subtle stain, or if you are afraid the change is more than you bargained for you can add detergent to the washer.  You definitely want to do any "lightening" BEFORE the fabric dries.  If the finished stain isn't dark enough, you can always do it again ;o)

So here is my sweet little lady's finished bed spread (and there is a post coming from refinishing her bed, as well!)-

I'm sorry the lighting isn't better.  I took about a million or so pictures from different angles, with different lights on, with and without flashes - this is as good as it gets. Hopefully, you get the idea! Be brave - you won't ruin it, whatever it is, just give it a try! (and let me know how it goes!)

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