
November 4, 2012

For Better or Worse

Ok, so let me start with a disclaimer - what you are about to see are NOT before/after pics, they are only progress shots.  Things have been moving slowly around here lately.  There's just so much for two of us to do, and really my poor hubby has been doing the bulk of it alone for the past few months.  But, hooray - back to work today!!  We piddled around, caulking, fixing gutters, hanging hooks and toilet paper holders - nothing big or exciting, but enough to motivate me give you all another little peek into the chaos that is currently our life ;o) 

So, let's do this.  If you will remember, here is the "before"

Yeah, that's right - we actually bought this craziness.  And Bryan laughed at me for hanging a wreath on the door - but I mean, really, do you see how ugly this house is?  I needed at least a little pick-me-up when walking in the front door.  And just take a moment to truly appreciate the amount of labor that went into this atrocious paint job.

And here is how we spent our super-hot, humid, Tennessee summer:

And here is how far we have made it - as you will see, the paint still isn't finished, and we haven't even touched the oh-so-lovely landscaping, but good Lord willing, those things will come.

So there you have it!  I wish I had gotten this picture about a month ago, while things were still lush, green, and lovely, but that will just make the "after" pic that much more dramatic.  I will get some close-ups of porches and things when we get the floors and doors replaced.  It's kind of embarrassing to admit, but there's actually masking tape on our current front door where the glass has dropped about 1/4 inch.  A day's work could fix all that...maybe that day will come soon?  I won't even show you all the back of the house - it still looks like a third world country.  If it all goes as planned, those particular before/after pics will be especially jaw-dropping.  More flowers and miscellaneous fall decorating pics are on the block for next week - see y'all back then!

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